America's Heartland- Amarillo, Texas

Hi everyone!  At the end of November my coworker Dave and I spent a few days in Amarillo, Texas, up in the north panhandle.  Wikipedia has some excellent articles on Amarillo, Texas, and the Republic of Texas of which Amarillo appears to be a part.

We had a very productive and fun visit, except for the 7 inches of snow which showed up at the end of our trip.  Here's our pictures and stories.

First, here's where Amarillo is, up in the Texas panhandle.

It's lots of wide open spaces 'round here.  During our drive around we stopped by a cotton field for some action photos.  Sorry for the smudge on the lens.
Dave in the Cotton

Cotton fields.  LOTS of them.
The Cotton

Alex in the Cotton

Lots of cattle too.  We drove down some roads for a few miles just to see what changes, and what changes is not much - lots of open land, livestock, agriculture and agri-buildings.  Not much change but it's an important place for all of us who eat things.
Wide Open Spaces

More wide open spaces

STILL more wide open spaces

At one point we saw this weird airplane/helicopter thing - figure it's one of those V-22 Ospreys.
An Osprey?

After we concluded our business, we were told of the two main attractions in the area.  About 20 miles to the west of Amarillo is the Cadillac Ranch, a set of old Cadillac cars mounted in concrete in the middle of a field.  The cattle just hang around them.  There's a gate along the road which is unlocked, and does not indicate no trespassing, so we went for a walk.  It was about zero degrees and the wind was whipping along at about 40, so the pictures may not quite reflect exactly how freezing we felt. 
The Cadillac Ranch

Dave at the Cadillac Ranch

Us 'n the livestock

Your intrepid reporter, trying to stay vertical, avoid the gaze of the cows, and also ward off frostbite.
Alex at the Ranch

Dave trying valiently to appear calm in the frozen onslaught.
Dave freezing his butt off

The other main attraction is about 40 miles to the east in Groom and is the reportedly second largest cross in the western hemisphere, which was built for the movie Leap of Faith, starring Steve Martin.  I don't know if it's the largest but it's way big, about 190 feet.  Read more on it here.  By this time the sun had gone down and it was even colder than above. The photos are not great because we were shaking.  Now that's cold!
Dave just about frozen solid Alex feigning defrostation

After this we had dinner at a bar recommended to us as having great steaks.  The smallest they had was 20 ounces, and they had a sign saying they would not cook them well done (not that we wanted them that way).  Excellent steaks, huge potato and salad, about $20.  We took leftovers home.

Well, that's it for our trip to Amarillo.  They're really great people, nice and inviting, but their land is very wide open and cold in the winter.  I used to want to see Siberia, figuring it would be wide open, cold and sparsely populated.  I no longer feel the need, since I've been to Amarillo.  

All text content and images on this and any and all subpages, unless otherwise noted, are Copyright (c) 2006,  Alex Kuhn