A flight to San Francisco, September 8, 2005

On September 8 I was on an American flight from Chicago to SFO and sitting with some very nice people.  As usual, I had the window seat so I could check out the view and take some pix if anything struck my fancy.  The ladies in my row liked some of them and I offered to make them available to view or download. 

Fulfilling my promise, here are some thumbnail pictures from that flight, with descriptions of what I remember the pictures to be.  Clicking on the smaller picture should take you to the larger original photo if you want to see, but be warned, each original is at least 1 MB in size.  My new Sony Cybershot DSC-P200 is pretty nice, 7.2 Megapixels with 3x optical zoom, or as high as 14x digital zoom if your picture is only 640x480 (1 Megapixel).  You'll see an example of that in a shot of a house from 31,000 feet. 

And yes, a few are upside-down or sideways, because the lens is on the left side of the camera, and in order to capture the shot without the window frame in the view, I turned it over to shoot it from the right side of the window, figuring it's easy to turn around if you want to do so.  Enjoy!

Here's the general path we took, courtesy of Flytecomm.com:
Map from Flytecomm
Some clouds about half an hour after takeoff from O'Hare

Some farmland, probably still Illinois

More Farms, same area

A 14x zoom of a house on a farm
Zoom of farmhouse

A farming area about 1.5 hours into the flight.
Colorado Farms?

A more hilly area about 2.5 hours into the flight.  Northwestern Colorado?

A mountain range a few minutes later.  More Colorado?

Over the range shown above from a distance
Same Mountain

A farming area, including farms using circular pivot farm techniques
pivot farms

About half an hour later, so maybe this is Utah?
Utah Mountains?

A lake about 3.5 hours into the 4:15 flight.

Some interesting land a few minutes later.


Over the mountains, into the Bay area, 20 minutes from landing.
Bay Area

bay area

Seeing how good the zoom is on the trees

East Bay, part of a water treatment plant maybe?
water treatment?

Coming in for a landing, here's the city with one of the bridges.  It's not the Golden Gate.
San Francisco in the distance