Aviation & Flight Training

I've been thinking about getting my pilot's license for a long time and now that school is wrapping up, I'm planning on pursuing the private pilot certificate.  Info on my progress will be found on this page.

As a first step, on March 5, 2005, I took a first flight with a lesson at Metro Flight Services, which operates out of Brainard Airport in Hartford.  Jason was our instructor.

My friend Dennis came along for the ride and took some pictures.  We flew their Piper Warrior, a single-engine plane.  Here's some shots from that first flight:

Going through the checklist:

Learning to taxi:

During the run-up test:

We're airborne!  You can see downtown Hartford on the left, and Founder's Plaza in East Hartford to the right.

Leaving Hartford behind for points east:

Somewhere over Eastern Connecticut:

Learning to bank and turn:

Out the front:

Heading back:

Letting the instructor land the plane (good call!)

On final approach to Brainard, runway 2:

Coming in for a landing - a bit of crosswind meant he had to "crab" to the left to head straight toward the runway:

Almost on the ground:

Dennis took some other shots with his camera which I hope to get on here sometime.  It was a very exciting 45 minute flight, and it was harder than I expected.  It's not quite like flying in a Qantas 747, the plane does hop around and I found myself holding onto the stick pretty hard, continuing to gain altitude.  It's actually a little daunting.  But I am anticipating having a lot of fun learning how to fly and will find it worthwhile.  Check back over the summer for more details.